(Apr 09 2014) Local residents are being invited to attend public exhibitions in April to view plans for the new White Rose Carbon Capture & Storage Project proposal on land next to Drax Power Station.
(Apr 06 2014) The Saskatchewan Government has announced a new funding agreement with the Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC).
(Mar 26 2014) The Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC) is inviting funding submissions for projects that will help Alberta to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
(Mar 23 2014) Two researchers from Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage will be demonstrating CCS at the Edinburgh Science Festival in April.
(Mar 23 2014) Linde Engineering will present a paper on carbon capture from steam methane reformers at the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Annual Meeting in Orlando.
(Mar 23 2014) A Natural Resources Defense Council proposal on how to cut carbon pollution from America's power plants can achieve even greater reductions than previously thought, and at less cost, an updated analysis of NRDC's initial 2012 plan shows.
(Mar 19 2014) During the Spring European Council European Heads of State discussed the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework but did not mention CCS.
(Mar 16 2014) The Korea CCS R&D Center (KCRC) has signed strategic agreements with Australian and German researchers to advance CCS.
(Mar 16 2014) A report from CGS Europe provides an overview of the many potential CO2 storage pilot projects across Europe.
(Mar 04 2014) Researchers from the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) are testing the membrane tubes at a power plant in Australia.
(Feb 28 2014) Research led by University of Nebraska-Lincoln chemist Xiao Cheng Zeng has led to the discovery of a new material that could have applications to CO2 storage.
(Feb 27 2014) Researchers from the University of Aberdeen have joined Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS), the UK’s largest grouping of scientists engaged in the research and development of CCS technology.
(Feb 25 2014) CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) has launched the world’s first large scale tests of the amine solvent MEA on a gas fired source.
(Feb 18 2014) The Global Status of CCS: February 2014 report finds Europe is lagging behind progress in other regions.
(Feb 17 2014) Australia should keep open the option to deploy carbon capture and storage, in readiness for global calls for deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, said the CO2CRC.