The Crown Estate and the British Geological Survey have launched a new online mapping tool for the CO2 Stored website.
Through search and display functions the data can be sorted in a number of ways, including by:
geological formation
name of hydrocarbon (oil or gas) production area
key attributes about the geological storage such as porosity, injectivity, fracture pressures and storage risks.
Stuart Haszeldine, Professor of Carbon Capture and Storage, University of Edinburgh said: "The new feature on CO2 Stored is a great step forward in making knowledge about UK geology deep beneath the North Sea available for investigating options for commercialising CO2 storage. All companies with subsurface expertise can now more easily access evidence-based knowledge which can make their evaluation of CO2 storage quicker and more accurate. Even at this initial stage the UK is opening up ways to attract creative insight, and so facilitate cost reduction and identification of storage sites ahead of establishing a storage business."