The projects include 7 on CO2 capture (£1,128,000), 5 on CO2 cross-cutting issues (£1,040,000), and 2 on CO2 storage (£399,000) and have attracted a total of £2 million in additional co-funding and support from a broad range of industrial partners from the UK and overseas.
Prof Jon Gibbins, Director, UKCCSRC said, “It is great to have the UKCCSRC's own research portfolio now fully under way. Our big tasks for the next three years of the Centre's life will be to see these projects executed successfully and to link them, and all the academic research supported by the Research Councils, DECC and other funders, to maximise their value for supporting future CCS delivery.”
The projects funded in this call are fundamental and multidisciplinary CCS research projects that address research needs identified by the Advanced Power Generation Technology Forum (APGTF) and the DECC CCS Roadmap for Innovation and R&D.
This call builds upon the £2.2million allocated in 2012 for 13 projects in the UKCCSRC’s first call. The 14 projects in the second call will involve 9 different UK universities in the delivery of the research.
Two of the projects include significant academic collaboration with Australia and China. The Quantifying Residual and Dissolution Trapping at the CO2CRC Otway Project Injection Site, excitingly involves collaboration with the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) in Australia.
The UK Minister of State for Energy and Business, Michael Fallon, announced the funding during a visit to the Knowledge Transfer Centre at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre in South Yorkshire after he formally opened the UKCCSRC’s Pilot-Scale Advanced CO2-Capture Technology (PACT) facilities in Beighton.
The Minister said, “Carbon Capture and Storage is a key part of our low carbon energy future. Research and innovation is essential to help keep up the momentum in this sector, so I am pleased to announce £2.5million from the UKCCSRC to support 14 new projects.”