Bellona Briefing: Norway’s Longship CCS Project

Oct 30 2020

Bellona provides an overview of the project including financial risks and project costs.

Earlier in September, in a Government White Paper to the Norwegian parliament, the Government proposed to launch a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Norway. The project has been named ‘Longship’ and promises to provide Norway with low-carbon cement by the end of 2024. The project will capture, transport and store 0.8 million tonnes per annum of carbon dioxide.

The briefing is aimed at generating a greater understanding and knowledge on this first of a kind (FOAK) project.

We start by giving an overview of the project and describing the stages of its CCS chain. The project is receiving Norwegian Government funding, hence we analyse financial risks and estimated project costs. Finally, we calculate cost per tonnes of avoided CO2 within the premises of the Longship project.

Europe is not without options, as many countries are also developing CO2 capture projects. Through this preliminary assessment Bellona recognises the importance of this project to CCS development in Europe, and will continue to monitor the project as it develops. 

Read the briefing

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Issue 102 - Nov - Dec 2024

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